My second to last week at RC was first spent in San Francisco at onsite interviews for positions in the city. Interviews went well and I had a nice time seeing some friends while there.
Unfortunately, there wasn’t enough time to finish the compiler of nand2tetris! The first week where I haven’t finished my nand2tetris project :’(. I’m going to try my best to finish up both the compiler and OS this final week, though!
I was also focusing on finishing a take-home assignment from another interview process which definitely cut in to my time. As annoying and time consuming it is to generate contrived work to prove you’re not lying on your resume, it was sort of fun to develop an application with a relational database and interactive web UI and make it feel smooth and look pretty. Link to the project is here on github.
RC is ending so soon! I’m so mixed up about it. 12 weeks flies by, truly. Seeing everyone’s demos last week reminded me of how awesome everyone is here and how many cool projects come out of this space. I’ve been so fortunate to be a part of it, and I want to squeeze all I can out of my last week here.